I plan to swim Lake Nipissing from the French R. (Campbells Bay) north-east to Marathon beach in North Bay, Ontario, July 14-19, 2022, 28kms. It has never been swum before. In 2020, I was foiled 3 km from shore by a freak gale with 3m waves and 65kph winds. I am fundraising for The Nipissing Trackers branch of the Nipissing Association for Disabled Youth, a volunteer-run skiing program for disabled youth. Donate: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/nipissing-association-for-disabled-youth/
Tuesday, 17 July 2018
Getting organized day
Yesterday was windy and partially sunny. We were able to make out Anacapa Island, 20 km away. We could only catch glimpses of a large dark mass that was Santa Cruz Island. Not ideal for pictures.
I went for an hour swim yesterday morning and I hope to swim for 20 minutes today. The surf was fairly big and I had to swim out from shore a bit to stay out of the surf zone. No flora or fauna. Water temperatures was comfortable at 67 deg. F. We are all having trouble getting used to how cool the air is here after weeks of sweltering in Ontario.
We saw the dock where our 38 foot Hunter sailboat is docked but couldn't get a good picture. We touched base with Captain Dawn and the official observer from the Santa Barbara Channel Swimming Association, Dave Van Moewerick.
We are on for a 10 pm Wednesday night California time, and 1 am Thursday Ontario time start.
The wind, at WSW 10 mph, is forecast to be the least on Thursday of any day this week. The wind direction is perfect. Low of 66 deg. F. overnight and high of 76 and sunny on Thursday.
The rest of our crew is coming in today, so we are going back to L.A. and buying last minute supplies. Then packing the bags in a manner that makes sense in the dark and rolling seas.
Good to hear of all your preparations, and particularly of the favorable wind conditions! Wishing you good luck and stamina for tomorrow!!! blessings, Susan W