I plan to swim Lake Nipissing from the French R. (Campbells Bay) north-east to Marathon beach in North Bay, Ontario, July 14-19, 2022, 28kms. It has never been swum before. In 2020, I was foiled 3 km from shore by a freak gale with 3m waves and 65kph winds. I am fundraising for The Nipissing Trackers branch of the Nipissing Association for Disabled Youth, a volunteer-run skiing program for disabled youth. Donate: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/nipissing-association-for-disabled-youth/
Tuesday, 12 July 2022
Tracker link
Just a reminder, you won't see the dot move until we turn it on and start swimming, hopefully Friday morning.
Then, when you log on, you will only get the most recent location when you are on "live" mode. You have to click on "history" to see the whole course.
Ah....you said Friday morning!! Good luck! Thinking of you and sending best wishes for a calm lake and warm enough waters!!